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Writer's pictureElliot Barclay

Trophies at Redbridge

Members have celebrated after they won three trophies and three further awards at the Annual Area Conference. Redbridge 18 Plus member Elliot Barclay won the Andy Pitkin Trophy as the person who made the most outstanding contribution in the Iondon area. The next trophy Redbridge received was the Roy Gordon Trophy for winning and attending the most sports competitions. The third trophy was for memberships as Redbridge had the most gain in memberships throughout the district. The other awards Redbridge 18 Plus received were best magazine, best publicity and best scrapbook. Mr Barclay said "it was such a privilege to win these trophies. It reflects what Redbridge has done over the last year such as creating the website and helping with events.' On top of this Redbridge 18 Plus also won the Annual Area quiz held at Mossford Trinity Church. The last few rounds of the quiz were crucial as they saw the Recibridge team edging ahead of the Barking and Dagenham team and beating them by just four points. Redhritlge 18 Plus runs a wide variety of social and sports events Members meet every Friday at llford Library, Clements Road. Ilford, from 8.30pm. Contact Trevor on 020 8553 0947 or email

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