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Brilliant bowlers strike gold

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Group members are bowled over following the success of their very own 10 pin kingpins.

Paul Savvas and Terry Little led the social group to victory at a regional 18 Plus bowling competition.

The contest, held at the Brew­ery's Namco bowling alley in Waterloo Road, Romford saw teams of tour from across East Anglia and the South East go head-to head.

The Redbridge group won com­fortably by more than 100 points after close competition from the Havering group. Paul won the award for best individual bowler with an overall score of 276, in front of Terry who came second. Paul said: "I'm delighted to have won in such a good competition."

He added: "The other competitors had very close scores, but we managed to get in a few good strikes in the later stages to pull ahead, and all of our team played to their test ability."

• To get involved with the group's events and activities call 020 8554 1364.

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